Lombard Street

One of the most recognizable images of San Francisco is Lombard Street, a winding, sharp-turning, thrill-ride-kind-of-road that’s lined by gorgeous flowers and stately mansions. Lombard Street is often mistakenly called the “crookedest” street in the world, and while it is crooked – perhaps one of the most crooked – it doesn’t hold the record, even in San Francisco. San Francisco residents and tourists don’t seem to care, however, because this street is one of the most beloved symbols of the Bay Area city and it’s a top destination for practically everyone who is touring San Francisco for the first time.

Although people who live on the curvy stretch of Lombard Street (between Hyde and Leavenworth) have sometimes been known to steer crowds away fromthe popular San Francisco attraction in order to maintain their privacy, driving down this street remains one of the top things to do in the city. Lombard Street is surely fun to experience at least once, as it gives little travelers quite a thrill and even adults have a blast making their way through the multiple switchbacks. Because the likelihood of people ceasing to visit Lombard Street doesn’t seem to exist in reality, the best approach to visiting this tourist attraction is to enjoy it with respect for the neighbors who live there. Which means, stay off of private property and you’ll likely be just fine.

Lombard Street originally needed its tight twists and turns so that early vehicles could get down the one-way hill easily, past the many beautiful Victorian homes, without being killed by rolling down too fast. If you want to get an idea how steep Lombard Street really is, head 2 blocks up to Filbert Street and look down over the ridge – Lombard Street is even steeper!

Some of San Francisco’s most expensive homes sit on Lombard Street, in what is known as the Russian Hill neighborhood. Perhaps because Lombard Street is so lovely, even more so during Spring when the flowers are bursting with color, it steals fame from the San Francisco street that actually is the curviest – Vermont Street – which is located between 20th and 22nd Streets in Portrero Hill and doesn’t have the visual appeal that Lombard does.